But He’s Stronger Than Me!

April 29, 2021


There is a perpetual under flow of debate in group chats, Reddit threads, @kingofthelifts
Comment sections, and memes discussing the natty or not.

When I started competing close to ten years ago there was a heavy bias on anyone deadlifting over 600lbs would be labeled a juicer or cheater. Because no one was capable of being that strong without it 🙄. This is one of my favorite paradigms that I have seen shift.

The sport continues to grow and prove that athletes are capable of huge, unthinkable numbers that we thought was impossible only a few years ago. I am confident that we put a really low ceiling early on in powerlifting about Natty strength and are now seeing what people are capable of, which also seems to have changed peoples expectations of what a ‘strong lifter’ is now.

My point here is powerlifting is attracting far more talent than we first had and it is challenging us how we see and gauge human potential, with or without Peds. We see this monthly with the every rising All Time World Records and the vast new talent that arises from our increased profile.

As a fan of the sport first, it is really interesting. Rising tides lifts all ships.

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September 12, 2021

A Case for the Token Medal

Early Success: A Case for Token Medals 🏆 After reading an article today about early success in sport and how that encourages the athlete to have a longer term vested interest in their sport had me reflect on the token medal in powerlifting. 🥇 A token medal means you were unopposed in your weight or […]

July 22, 2021

But He’s Stronger Than Me!

BUT HE’S STRONGER THAN ME! There is a perpetual under flow of debate in group chats, Reddit threads, @kingofthelifts Comment sections, and memes discussing the natty or not. When I started competing close to ten years ago there was a heavy bias on anyone deadlifting over 600lbs would be labeled a juicer or cheater. Because no […]

April 29, 2021